Sugar - a pure natural product

Without any additives, sugar is extracted from the sugar beet. Sugar is a carbohydrate in its purest form. Carbohydrates are of particular importance to our lives because they are the body's preferred source of energy. As part of a balanced diet, 50 to 55 percent of the energy supplied comes from carbohydrates, 10 to 15 percent from protein and 30 to 35 percent from fat.

Sugar beet processing


There are sugars and sugars

The beet sugar produced at the AGRANA sites consists of nearly 100% pure sucrose. Sucrose is a disaccharide which is formed from the chemical building blocks of fructose and glucose. All forms of sugar, also including maltose and lactose besides sucrose, are converted by our bodies into glucose, which is a valuable source of energy. Sugar is therefore a valuable source of energy and new strength which organisms need, particularly after physical exercise.

Sugar and Caries

It is not sugar but a lack of oral hygiene which is responsible for tooth decay (caries)! All carbohydrates, regardless of whether from apples, bread or rice, encourage the formation of acid in the mouth. The type of carbohydrates plays a less important role in the formation of caries than the frequency carbohydrates are consumed and how long these carbohydrates are in contact with the teeth. If you clean your teeth regularly (that means at least twice a day) with toothpaste containing fluoride, you can avoid tooth problems.

Sugar - a cause of obesity?

Sugar has no particular characteristics which justify la- belling it as a primary cause of obesity. On the contrary: The conversion of carbohydrates, and therefore also sugar, into body fat is a process which requires more energy than the conversion of fats from food into body fat. The only people who become fat are those who eat too much as a whole and who take too little exercise. One gram of sugar has the same number of calories  as one gram of protein, i. e. 4 kcal, and therefore  less than half that of one gram of fat (9 kcal). A sugar cube, for example, doesn’t have more than 15 kcal (63 kJ).

Sugar and nutrients

Due to its high degree of purity, nearly 100% sucrose, sugar is often referred to as a source of ‘empty  calories’ and a vitamin depletory. The concern that sugar consumption will reduce the uptake of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals is unfounded.  Sugar rarely or never is consumed in isolation but always as a sweetening  agent with different foods. With its sweet taste, sugar also often contributes to nutrient-rich products with an unattractive taste be- coming more accepted  by consumers.  The accusation of vitamin depletion is not justified. Vitamin B1 in our metabolism ensures that sugar is utilised. However, this also applies to other carbohydrates,  i. e. from bread, potatoes and noodles. Our body sources vitamin B1 from a mixed diet. One more reason to ensure a balanced and moderate diet with carbohydrates, fats and protein as well as vitamins and minerals.

Sugar compared with honey

The case with honey is similar. Honey largely consists of various sugars, such as fructose and glucose, as well as minerals and traces of vitamins.  These minerals are inadequate to meet our mineral requirements and, vis-a-vis other forms of sugar, do not provide any notable nutritional advantages.